That's right. I declare your body lovely. Whatever aches, ills or unusualities ;-) you may have, your body is working well enough to power your act of reading and considering this post. It's quite an unacknowledged feat all that must happen within you, physiologically, to simply surf online. Let alone fuel physically demanding activities. So, it never hurts to applaud the many symphonies playing throughout your body's impressive systems: Homeostasis is what keeps all these things in working, balanced order. And cannabinoids support homeostasis. Among many other wonderful things, cannabis is also an essential super-nutrient. Essential? Yes. Why else would our bodies be designed with cannabinoid RECEPTORS, if we didn't, to some degree, NEED TO RECEIVE cannabinoids? And what's the cost of NOT GETTING A NEEDED SUPER-NUTRIENT? Epic displays of depression, obesity, fatigue, cancer and a host of auto-immune diseases, perhaps? Cannabinoids are foundational to holistic health. Their absence from our diet -- the lack of their support to our physiological systems -- shows up in a less-than-vibrant majority. I love every part of the cannabis plant. Including the easily recognized, but never smoked, cannabis leaf: This leaf is considered waste by many growers, but it's actually a bulk of the plant's wealth. The 15-minute video below is worthy of your time and attention. It shows the therapeutic power that's loaded in cannabis leaves: I became aware of my own nutritional/cannabidnoid deficiency by these two occurrences:
One night, I confessed this odd, weed-eating habit to a friend. Thankfully, he shared that quirk with anarchist farmers in town who grow cannabis organically, and have an excess of their crops' leaves. For some reason I can't understand, the leaf does not have the same commercial value as do the buds. When you buy flower in medical or black markets, the leaf has been separated from the bud, which is why I had never even seen one before, in real life! But generous folks that they are, they gifted me with a nice supply of fresh, green wonder. I've been adding it to my soups, salads and smoothies ever since:
GROWERS, please re-consider your output of this amazing leaf. It is far too nutritionally rich to go unused. Maybe you know someone who suffers from arthritic pain, digestive issues, or general malaise. Why not share this post, and your 'waste' with them? Or incorporate more of it into your own diet? Or juice it, bottle it, and add it as a secondary business. Become a health speaker, and share this buried truth loudly and widely. Let your healing, entrepreneurial imagination run wild. And put the leaf to good use.
* * * * * Fancy a talk? Or, prefer to be lavishly listened to? I'm available by appointment HERE.
Wisdom Seeker
2/7/2017 02:15:35 am
Erika, Comments are closed.
The question "How are you?" is PROFOUND. But it has been watered-down to a synonym for "Hello." Forced or fake auto-responses of obligated okay-ness are expected. (And if you are going through something tragic, it really doesn't matter! Every social encounter OPENS with this well-established Ritual of Insincerity.) The question "How are you?" prompts an answer that begins with "I AM _____________." This means many times each day, you are invited to SPEAK THE MOST POWERFUL STATEMENT that can be spoken of yourself. And the socially-expected thing to do, is be QUICK + SLICK with your answer. For a change... TAKE YOUR TIME, and tell your truth. ✍🏾 |