The 8 words are:
This episode unpacks what those words mean to me, and how they may strengthen you. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation, and it is wildly active right now. (The term was inspired by this 1938 play.) Controlled language is the most despicable form of oppression... ironically veiled as virtuous. <--- WHICH IT AIN'T! Please don't let partisanship -- of any kind -- dull your senses. The solutions we seek are bigger, and beyond, politics. Politics are DESIGNED to split us, and keep us split. And reinforce that split so effectively, that we eventually harbor ill will toward "them." The other side. Deeply-seeded contempt is constantly watered and nurtured in tribal silos with no variance. United in rage. Both utterly convinced of the rightness of their stance. It's like two breasts, or two testicles COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER. We all share the same body-earth, and we are all vulnerable to an immoral, technocratic overreach happening now. Vultures are circling, and they fly with both wings. Comments are closed.
The question "How are you?" is PROFOUND. But it has been watered-down to a synonym for "Hello." Forced or fake auto-responses of obligated okay-ness are expected. (And if you are going through something tragic, it really doesn't matter! Every social encounter OPENS with this well-established Ritual of Insincerity.) The question "How are you?" prompts an answer that begins with "I AM _____________." This means many times each day, you are invited to SPEAK THE MOST POWERFUL STATEMENT that can be spoken of yourself. And the socially-expected thing to do, is be QUICK + SLICK with your answer. For a change... TAKE YOUR TIME, and tell your truth. ✍🏾 |