On being overtaken by an irrepressible urge to vigorously harness wellbeing for All, without exception. I had/am having an Experience that I must document:
(1) so it does not flitter away, like a butterfly-dream; (2) so I Am reminded of The Moment that I dissolved, and came into complete acceptance of myself and, therefore, everyone else; (3) so someone else might also toy with the idea of declaring bankruptcy on every grievance they have caused and suffered, without exception. I know that offends principles and sensibilities of social justice, but what I'm talking about does not take place on the same level that social justice is played out. I will describe the experience, and hopefully that'll convey what I mean: After an hour of meditation in the Sun, I came inside and started working on some edits for a client. Then, I felt what I must call a spiritual seduction. Something divine wanted my attention, and approached me in a truly irresistible way. So, I surrendered to it. Completely. Let my eyes close, and my body sway. I felt pleasurable waves rippling up and down my spine. The gentle waves made my body move. Even now, as I type. Sometimes, raising my hands from the keys to allow my arms to mimic the branches of my tree sisters and brothers. This can happen, when you fully merge with a Moment. All kinds of spontaneous movements and insights come forth to be expressed. As I was allowing this Event to happen within me, I became filled with an almost overwhelming sense of wellbeing (which is saying a lot, considering certain challenges I face). It was almost overwhelming because I felt like it would burst me. But it also felt sooo good! With that fullness came a tremendous, fuel-like energy that wants to be "harnessed" and dispensed as wellbeing for All, without exception. Absolution is bi-directional. Meaning, as you receive freedom from guilt and blame, you also dispense freedom from guilt and blame. It is radical, and will transform anyone who allows such an internal expansion. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Live (emotionally) light. ________________________________________________________ Again, I wholeheartedly acknowledge that we live in a world of courts and consequences, and I am not suggesting a bypass of any necessary steps or actions at that particular level of life. But civic life is not the only level of life. There are other levels of life that *influence* the civic one. The universal law of correspondence says: "As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul." This post applies to the "above-within-universal" levels of life. (And my use of the word "absolution" is outside any religious frame.) Today I tapped into a non-civic level of life, and received an experience that reconfigured and activated me in very needed ways. Now, I can be more effective on the civic level. Internally receiving and granting absolution -- for everything -- isn't for the transformation of society. It is for the transformation of self. In time, enough transformed 'selves' becomes a transformed society. It is incremental. Absolution is a huge ask and, proportionately, a huge gift. Some who have had a hard life, have a lot to forgive. Some who have had a malicious life, have a lot to be forgiven of. But we all stand to benefit from releasing the ropes of shame/guilt (which is what we feel internally when we haven't forgiven ourselves), and blame/accusation (which is what we do externally when we haven't forgiven others). Both drain our inner resources, and yield nothing productive. Meanwhile, radical forgiveness -- of self, and other -- instantly offers vast amounts of previously unavailable thought-force, love-force, creative-force. This is because you are no longer carrying the considerably heavy bags of rage and/or self-loathing. I'm telling you, this internal act could be a viable step toward collective sanity and wholeness. Guess I'll file this under "mystical confession of a stubborn idealist." Comments are closed.
The question "How are you?" is PROFOUND. But it has been watered-down to a synonym for "Hello." Forced or fake auto-responses of obligated okay-ness are expected. (And if you are going through something tragic, it really doesn't matter! Every social encounter OPENS with this well-established Ritual of Insincerity.) The question "How are you?" prompts an answer that begins with "I AM _____________." This means many times each day, you are invited to SPEAK THE MOST POWERFUL STATEMENT that can be spoken of yourself. And the socially-expected thing to do, is be QUICK + SLICK with your answer. For a change... TAKE YOUR TIME, and tell your truth. ✍🏾 |