Cannabis UNIFIES my passion for ecological + emotional well-being. I am now partnered with cannabis to promote its legal + social vindication through Sativa Yoga™. Here are a few quick facts:
Make time + space for it... for the excavation + presentation of the true you. Toss the faker-phernalia in the roaring bonfire, and SEE YOURSELF in truth-telling flames. KNOW YOURSELF, free of anyone's manipulative agenda. Your essence. Your musk. Spray it. Be found by those who are actually attracted to your true self. Your true scent. Enjoy the symbiosis of musk-made matches, in friendship, romance or business. Share your thoughts in the comments below. Experience lavish listening for yourself. Go to my website -- -- to see a short + powerful video of Terence McKenna, and also to learn more about Sativa Yoga™. [This post has AUDIO. To listen, CLICK HERE.] What's the truest thing you can say? That was the guiding question I used while writing an essay about introversion, inwardness and the inner life. I kept asking myself that question to keep me from falling into RE-search, and focus instead, on SEARCH. It was messy. And liberating. And scary. And worth it. I realize I have come to sound angry at popular culture, for the way it has socialized us to be consumer-bots. I am angry about that, and the truest things I can say are not, necessarily, likable to mainstream society... so that is antagonistic. I mean no harm, or offense. A personal hero, Terence McKenna, said that dominant culture is not our friend. I agree. It averts the truth about things, and then asks (and sometimes forces) us to participate in a variety of collective illusions that aren't even interesting. Let alone good or wise. Each line drawn in the inherited blueprint of our life -- from school onward -- was for the furtherance of our ability to consume. Not discover. Cherish. Restore. Plant. Explore. Nurture. Make. Create. Know + grow our own minds. No, our highest collective pursuit is to consume. As if buying was being. My truest thing? Cannabis advocacy.Creating a life that actually feels like yours absolutely requires regular times of unplugging from group consciousness, so that you can come to really know your own consciousness. You might be surprised by how very different your true self is from your presented self. In my opinion, the most courageous + revolutionary thing we can do IS TO PRESENT OUR TRUE SELF. To not accommodate things + people that try to diminish our true self. This is disruptive work... to fling your mask.
Show yourself. When you have a decision to make, listen for your truest thing. Let it count. Let it influence your voice + your actions. Comments are closed.
The question "How are you?" is PROFOUND. But it has been watered-down to a synonym for "Hello." Forced or fake auto-responses of obligated okay-ness are expected. (And if you are going through something tragic, it really doesn't matter! Every social encounter OPENS with this well-established Ritual of Insincerity.) The question "How are you?" prompts an answer that begins with "I AM _____________." This means many times each day, you are invited to SPEAK THE MOST POWERFUL STATEMENT that can be spoken of yourself. And the socially-expected thing to do, is be QUICK + SLICK with your answer. For a change... TAKE YOUR TIME, and tell your truth. ✍🏾 |